I was wondering why Honey Bunny wanted me to sit there for so long holding that wheel in our living room, just kidding. Now it all makes sense. Unbeknown to me, my wife had my portrait done, must have been from a photo of one of the few times she actually let me helm our Capri last summer. The likeness is uncanny! She even had a name plate made up to make it all official, which I’ve enclosed an image of below.
This has got to be one of the best Christmas gifts ever. Thanks Sweetie. We had the festivities at our house this year, where I bored every one present with sailing, sailing and more sailing. I wonder how long before they blow up and say “enough already?” No one else sails, besides Honey Bunny and I as you may have guessed. We all had a great time nevertheless and decided we may as well make a habit of this whole Christmas thing even though it may turn out to be just a passing fad. Constantine who? Anyway, we get to start a new year again with friends and family and try, in our never ending battle, to do it right this time.