Standard Horizon’s most affordable hand held radio is water-proof, exceeding IPX7 standards, which require the unit to remain waterproof for submersion to 3 feet for 30 minutes. It is made from a high impact resistant case. It also comes with a heavy duty belt clip which seems very sturdy in my estimation. I wore it clipped directly to my PFD during a couple of sails this past season when I was concerned about staying on the boat. It has a bright, easy to read LCD screen with back lighting which is engaged when ever any button, excluding the TX button is pushed.
The HX280S has all USA, Canadian and International VHF marine channels. It also can monitor NOAA government weather radio and features NOAA Weather Alert. It is shipped with AC and DC battery chargers so that you can be sure to have fully charged batteries where ever you may be. The battery life is outstanding at a rated 13 hours and also has a low battery indicator graphic. We were able to get entire weekend use from a single battery charge with minimal use. It is light weight and sized perfectly to fit in the hand.
We use ours daily in the mornings to see what the NOAA weather forecasts are before heading out the door for work. I like this option much better than either firing up the computer or the TV. Much quicker and more direct and none of the hype or fluff of the networks new programs.
Practical Sailor in it’s December issue gave this unit it’s Best Choice recommendation. They said: “The Standard Horizon’s superior performance earns it our Best Choice pick for and inexpensive, handheld, submersible VHF radio.”
This unit has a street price of $99, however I purchased ours last spring at West Marine on sale for $59. They do run good sales if you are willing to wait for them. Alternatively, Amazon also carries Standard Horizon, but not this model. You can see them here.
I recommend this radio highly if you are in the market for an easy to use, basic handheld VHF radio that doesn’t cost too much.