So here we are, it is officially spring. The vernal equinox was yesterday, socks are out for another season of sun and fun on the sailboat. But yet, there is a problem. You see, there is this pesky ice on our lake that is standing in the way. Not to worry though, as I have my own personal team of experts assessing the situation for me regularly. They are even nice enough to post their findings on their website for me. As you can see from the graph, considerable progress has been made and yet there remains a long ways to go. There is still about 10 miles of ice which is 20 inches thick, but as you can see about 5 inches disappeared since March 9. Once the barge traffic starts busting through the remaining ice it will go quick. At least that’s what I’m counting on. Of course, I don’t expect them to bust through 20 inches, maybe 6 though. Then yippee! We’re sailing.
The video shows the US Army Corp of Engineers as they begin their annual ice depth checking in February. If you notice at 1:12 and again at 2:12 in the upper left you can see some folks ice fishing in the distance. It is truly amazing the amount of information you can find if you look.