Mijn nieuwe vrienden uit Nederland, welkom. Ik vond ik een link op Logboek Zeilmakkers, dank je. Ik heb genoten van het bekijken van uw site. Please excuus mijn arme Nederlandse taalvaardigheid.
Here is a video I found on the Logboek Zeilmakkers site. Honey Bunny and I watched it this AM and were amazed at how timid we are when we’re sailing. Of course, I suppose the sailors on this sailboat most likely have more than one and half years of sailing under their belt. Oh well, we are planning on taking our first formal lessons this spring, Basic Keelboat 101. Thus our formal education begins. Our goals for now are to keep progressing to the point of being comfortable with offshore sailing. A long way to go it seems now, but we do have some time before we retire and sell everything and hit the seas. Perhaps a trip to the Netherlands one day.
From ‘nieuwe vrienden uit Nedeland’:
Nice that you have found our blog.
We enjoyed yours several times already.
The video and explanation was used because two of our ‘Zeilmakkers’ (sail-mates??) crossed the Atlantic in the ARC – 2010.
The music in the video of their preparation “Arrival at the Caraïben” had a simular theme (applied because ARC ended more or less in the film set of Pirates of the Caribbean).
And the blog-item you’r referring to, want to show the difference between our sailing and the sail-racing of the boat “Pirates of the Car ..” !!
Regards en hope you understand my writing.
And if you are nearby the Flemish coast (in Belgium not in the Netherlands! – not that it is so important, we both speak dutch) give us a sign !!