Lake City Marina Sunrise
upgraded pearson 36-2 helmstation

Pearson 36-2 Electrical system and electronics upgrades

One of the things that has always concerned me when cruising is conserving battery power. In an effort to minimize those concerns, I have...
BVI Bareboat Sailing Adventure

BVI Bareboat Sailing Adventure Simply the Best

My wife and I are very enthusiastic sailors and it had long been our dream to go on a BVI bareboat sailing adventure. We are lucky enough to have...
V-berth cabin sole

Pearson 36-2 Upgrades For Comfort

My primary reason for upgrading from a 1978 Pearson 31 to our 1985 Pearson 36-2 is that our family had simply outgrown the 31. With three growing...
cap rail replacement

Pearson 36-2 Cap Rail Replacement

One of the more tedious tasks that I have undertaken towards the refit of my Pearson 36-2 was replacement of the cap rail that sits over the hull to...
Pearson 36-2 deck project

Pearson 36-2 Deck Repairs and Deck Hardware Replacement

Prior to buying my Pearson 36-2, I had it professionally surveyed. The surveyor spent more than four hours going over every inch of the boat. He...
Pearson 36-2 bottom job

Pearson 36-2 Complete Bottom Job

Another project that was completed during the first winter was a complete epoxy bottom job. When I purchased the Pearson 36-2, the bottom was coated...
Islander 32 on Lake Pepin

Islander 32 on Lake Pepin

Here is a great photograph of an Islander 32 on Lake Pepin. She was anchored next to us near Pepin, WI and provided some wonderful eye-candy to the already beautiful surroundings.  On the far shore you can see the Mississippi Queen as she makes her way south. The sun...

Apostle Islands Sea Caves

Apostle Islands Sea Caves

So we went sailing in the Apostle Islands. On our second day of sailing, the weather cooperated for a wonderful adventure to the beautiful Devil's Island sea caves. The wind was down and the sun was up, a perfect combination for rowing the dingy out to some of the...

Mayflies Hatch on Lake Pepin

We awoke Saturday morning to our Islander 28 covered in swarm of mayflies which hatched over night on Lake Pepin. We anchored out on the Wisconsin side near Bogus Bay under a NW wind and had a lovely night. By morning however our sailboat was covered with the large...

eBoatCards New Lake Pepin Group

Just a quick note, there is a new group listing for our Lake Pepin cruising grounds on eBoatCards. Click the link to join. This is another great app from the folks at ActiveCaptain. If you have their app on your smart phone or iPad, you can see which of your friends...

Zodiac Zoom 310s

Zodiac Zoom 310s

We bought ourselves a new dingy. Hurray for us. I found a great deal on a Zodiac Zoom 310s at Defender during their annual warehouse sale which we could not pass up. So about a week later our friendly UPS driver rolls up our driveway with a very large and heavy box....

Ready to Launch

Ready to Launch

Tomorrow is the big day! Aurion, our Islander 28, is finally ready to launch after a very long wait for the weather to come around and for us to get her ship shape for the upcoming summer of sailing on Lake Pepin. This year we have a number of projects that we have...