I’ve always been a water person. Ever since I was a small child I gravitated towards the water. I was born on the west coast, near San Francisco. Some of my earliest memories are of playing in the surf. About the age of 5 our family moved to Minnesota to a small town with a small river. As I grew older and even though I was forbidden from doing so, I always played down by the river. Later fishing became my passion. I made my first boat in wood shop class when I was 16. It was a pirogue and it wasn’t pretty or sea worthy. I would have to bail constantly to keep her afloat. Jumping ahead, at the age of about 22 I was able to borrow a boat from one person and a motor from some one else. This arrangement kept me fishing on the water for about 2 years if I remember correctly. After that I bought a 17 foot open bow fishing boat, had a Johnson 55. I spent thousands of hours in that boat. I kept that boat for about 12 years, not bad for 3000 dollars.
By now I had a new wife, a new career and my children were getting older. The boat sat in the yard unused as my time for fishing diminished and I grew tired of the fish getting smaller and the fisherman population growing bigger. After the second season of disuse we sold the boat. And thus I remained boatless for nine years.
Two summers ago we were spending the 4th of July with some friends of ours at their cabin. They had an older aluminum runabout. The boat bug bit hard that weekend. I recalled how much I enjoyed being on the water again. I wanted a boat. But what though? My present job keeps me on the road, one day I had driven by a sailboat dealer and what really grabbed my attention was the price on the side of the boat. $3000. Up until that moment I had never given sailing a second thought. Sailing was goofy. Sailing was for rich folks. Sailing was not for me.
In my youth I thought doing any thing on the water besides fishing was a waste of valuable time. I was the kind of fisherman who beat the water to a froth chasing fish from one end of the lake to the other. I owned all the gadgets, I had all knowledge and I had all the energy to fish from dawn to dusk never once stopping for lunch. Now things are little different (read a lot different). I prefer to go slow, I like to eat lunch and I can wile the day away staring at scenery. Back to sailboats.
Approximately 10 seconds after returning from our weekend retreat I was at White Bear Boat Works buying our first sailboat. Notice I said “our” and not “my” first sailboat because I want to make sure my wife knows how much I love her. Anyways, we were now the proud owners of a 1988 Catalina 14.2. Ahhhh, our first sailboat! I wonder how one these work. Anyone? Hello? Actually, Kim at White Bear Boat Works was great, she cleaned up the boat and gave me a lesson in rigging and a dry land sailing lesson. I was grateful for her help.

our first sailboat a Catalina Capri 14.2
Thus the adventure begins!
The Capri is a great boat, I taught many a newbie how to sail on them. She’s stable, forgiving and can be sailed solo or with 3 people.
We agree! We enjoyed her immensely for the short amount of time the Capri was our instructor.