Mille Lacs is the second largest lake within the borders of Minnesota at 128,223 acres. It’s maximum depth is 42 feet with an average of 21 feet. It is 20.5 miles by 13.5 miles, which gives us plenty of room for sailing. It is also where the banner image on this website came from on a summer sail last summer. As you can see the ice is out, which is weeks earlier than what I would consider normal. I’ve seen ice up to the opening of fishing season, which this year falls on May 15. Mille Lacs is considered to be the best walleye fishery in Minnesota. At only an hours drive away from where we live, we are looking forward to a glorious summer of sailing on Mille Lacs this year.
View: Looking SE to NW toward Garrison with Hawkbill Point and Mac’s Twin Bay on the right.
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Hello Eman,
Thanks for linking to our website at MnLakeCams, we always admire the sailboats on Mille Lacs and hope the sailors enjoy the view on the site. I like your new adventure here and will check it out more, perhaps we’ll have the perfect sailboat someday as well.