Last Saturday found us out sailing, I know, big surprise. We set sail south towards Lake City and found ourselves near some keel boat racing. Looked to be mostly J-Boats (oh, oh, now I need a J-Boat). We stayed back out of the way, but Honey Bunny was still able to get some interesting photos. The sailing was quite fun that day, good winds and all. The racers seemed to be having a good time of it. The contestants are from the Lake City Yacht Club sailing out of the Lake City Marina. Lake City sits on Lake Pepin which is about 1 hour south of the twin cities, Minnesota.
Later in the afternoon we set sail back north to Long Point where we dropped the hook in about 8.5 feet of water on the south side of the point as there was a Northeast wind. We spent the night there for our first overnight at anchor this year. The winds were forecast to switch directions overnight, but they were so light it made no difference. Never-the-less we set an alarm to check on things in the wee hours. We grilled some chicken on the stern grill and had a nice relaxing evening. Morning came and we lazied about till about noon, I worked on some boat projects, the admiral putted around the cabin. Then we spent the afternoon sailing in a light rain and light winds. Is it the weekend yet?