For the first time in 5 years, the sea caves can be reached safely this winter on Lake Superior the worlds largest fresh water lake. The Apostle Islands are near Bayfield, Wi. Not since 2009 has this happened, but due to the frigid temperatures this season you may visit these sea caves by walking approximately one mile each way. Last summer I was fortunate enough to be able to visit the caves via sailboat which you can read about here. That was a splendid time indeed! Now anyone can visit these wondrous caves of natural beauty.
A relatively short 20 minute walk should get you to the caves, bring your camera, you will want to snap pictures of everything. The most common way to get to the Lake Superior ice caves is to hike out to them from Myers Beach Road, which is well marked on the Bayfield Peninsula’s Highway 13 (approximately 3 miles south of Cornucopia from Bayfield). Park your vehicle and hike approximately one mile east to the ice caves. There is a parking lot on the road to allow access to the lake. There is a nominal fee of $3 to park your car.
For contrast here is an image I took last summer while visiting the sea caves on Devil’s Island. While I prefer the warmer months, I must admit I’d love to go back this winter to experience the beauty of these sea caves again!