by Eric Aaland | Aug 19, 2010 | Events, Photos, Tall Ships |
These 3 photos are from Marge Springett, a nature photographer specializing in Crex Meadows and Badlands photography. She has a keen eye to be sure. More of her photos can be seen at her website Good luck Marge! all-her-sails-europa2-photo2 Image...
by Eric Aaland | Aug 18, 2010 | Events, Photos, Tales of the Sail, Tall Ships |
So as you can guess from my lack of updating, I’ve been rather busy lately. Oh well. Here are a smattering of the 806 photos Honey Bunny took mostly, but some from me as well on our recent trip to Duluth for the Tall Ship Duluth 2010 festival. We had a great time....
by Eric Aaland | Aug 2, 2010 | Events, General, Photos, Tall Ships |
Well we are back from Duluth, MN after an exciting and fun trip to the world’s largest fresh water lake with Bella, our Precision 23 sailboat. We all had a great time. We got a little bit of sailing in and a whole lot of tall ships in. More to follow on this later....
by Eric Aaland | Jul 23, 2010 | Events, Photos, Tall Ships |
The tall ships are almost here and we can’t wait. Tall Ship Duluth 2010 is upon us, with the ships due to start arriving Wednesday, July 28th. Coincidently, that is also when we are due to arrive with our Precision 23 in tow. Well, actually it is no coincident at all...
by Eric Aaland | Jul 23, 2010 | Photos |
by Eric Aaland | Jul 21, 2010 | Photos |
If any one knows what kind of sailboat this is, I would be very curious to find out. I think it is very pretty.