Hallberg-Rassy New Website-WOW!

Hallberg-Rassy New Website-WOW!

I just popped into the Hallberg-Rassy website this morning and I have to say it is by far the best designed website of any of the sailboat builders! The have recently re-designed their site and they did an outstanding job! Their old website was great too, tons of...

Bottom Paint VC17m Video

Bottom Paint VC17m Video

Here is the video from painting the bottom of our Islander 28 with Interlux VC17m which we made last year. We are leaving for our boat in several minutes to do some fiberglass repair (rudder) and to do the deck teak.  

Mason 33

Mason 33

Mason sailboats have always brought out the romantic adventurer in sailors. Because of their sheer beauty, and because they are built to sail around the world, Masons appeal not only to those with an appreciation of fine, traditional lines, but also to those with...

Islander 28 Sailing Merchandise

Sailing Apparel for Islander Yachts Owners Introducing a line of custom sailing apparel, mugs and more designed for the Islander 28 sailor. If you click the image or link below you will go to my CafePress Shop at http://www.cafepress.com/IslanderYachtsSailingApparel....

Maiden Voyage Video

Maiden Voyage Video

Spring Sailing on Lake Pepin Here is a video from last spring. Our first sail aboard our beloved Islander 28. Let me know what you think of the video! As spring seems to be fully upon us now, I thought it would be nice to see a little sailing from last year. I have...

Lake Pepin Ice Reort

I drove by a lake pepin today, The top half of the lake is ice free. The lower half still has ice, but it looks like it will melt by the end of the week. There were eagles everywhere.

Viking Ship Hjemkomst

Inspiration comes in various forms and at various times in our lives. Take the Hjemkomst, for instance. Robert Asp, while recovering in the hospital from a fall which resulted in broken ribs and a punctured lung, came up with the idea of building a Viking ship and...

Lake Pepin Sunrise

Thursday morning found me driving south on Hwy 61 past Lake Pepin on the Minnesota side. I could not resist stopping to take a picture of this spectacular sunrise. Just thought I would share with you.

The Passport 40 Yacht

My latest Boat de Jour, is the venerable Passport 40, designed by Robert Perry. Why does virtually every sailboat that captivates my desire seem to be a Perry boat? The top of the mast is just now clearing the horizon, but so far I'm liking what I'm seeing. Today I...