The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Meets Plastiki.

A voyage on Plastiki by the ships creator, David de Rothschild, to bring attention to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch prepares to set sail from San Francisco. Now this is a worthy voyage for us to follow as David seeks to draw environmental attention to a cause all...

How to Ruin a Perfectly Great Day

Well Tillerman, at Proper Course is at it again. Another writing project for all of us. So here goes. The “worst sailing innovation ever” to me is any device which uses a suction cup to hold it in place, like a cup holder for instance. What kind of fiend comes up with...

The Green Machine – Electric Yacht Petro Free Sailing

Recently my wife and I attended our local boat show, and aside from it being smaller than usual, we did run across a very interesting new product line. It is an electric motor for sailboats. It is being built by a Minnesota company, Electric Yacht. This is a full...

Pirates of the Caribbean Racing Video

Mijn nieuwe vrienden uit Nederland, welkom. Ik vond ik een link op Logboek Zeilmakkers, dank je. Ik heb genoten van het bekijken van uw site. Please excuus mijn arme Nederlandse taalvaardigheid. Here is a video I found on the Logboek Zeilmakkers site. Honey Bunny and...

People Take Action to Save Sailing

Today one of the commenter's on my Saving Sailing post, Ray Cole, from Australia, talked about what his company Small Craft Design and Services along with his local sailing club, Carrum Sailing Club are doing to stem the tide, so to speak, of sailing numbers in...

Underwater Magic in Moorea

This youtube is why we want to sail. Love it! These are the experiences we can not wait to start having. You can check out their blog at A True, Blue, Outrageous Adventure. httpv://

Saving Sailing

At the risk of sounding like Chicken Little, I thought I would post some information concerning the future of sailing. Recently both magazines, Cruising World and Sailing have had articles concerning this topic, so I don't think I am completely off my gourd. Maybe I...

Capt. Puffy’s Boat de Jour

Today I'm adding a new section, which will be located on the left side-bar, that I'm calling Capt. Puffy's Boat de Jour. I will be posting sailboats which I find intriguing and exemplify our current Boat de Jour ideas. Keeping in mind this is a very fluid definition...