Pettit Paint – Hydrocoat Video

So here's an interesting ad from the folks at Pettit Paint. Now that we are looking into keeping our p & j (pride & joy), Bella in a slip I am learning all about bottom paints and such. I love seeing every one moving towards eco -friendly products from paints...

Which Way to the Lake.

I took Bella out for a spin the other day. As you can see the lakes are really low this year! Hopefully we will get some rain soon. I am slowly making my way through my ever growing lists of things I need to do and/or inspect...

Bella’s First Lessons.

We set up our new sailboat, Bella, in the driveway last weekend to see how much fun it would be to raise the mast with the mast raising system built into the trailer of our new to us Precision 23. I must say it was relatively simple, but we did learn the hard way...

Look Who Followed Us Home.

So we enter a new chapter in our sailing life as we welcome a new member of the family to our home. Bella followed us home last week on Friday. We are very excited. Bella is a Precision 23 from Precision Boat Works. She adds 6...

Live Mille Lacs Lake, MN Webcam

Mille Lacs is the second largest lake within the borders of Minnesota at 128,223 acres. It's maximum depth is 42 feet with an average of 21 feet. It is 20.5 miles by 13.5 miles, which gives us plenty of room for sailing. It is also where the banner image on this...

Backstay Tension Video

I found this to be an informative video concerning backstay tension, which I'm just starting to learn about. Our current sailboat does not have a backstay tensioner, but I want to know as much as I can about all the different sail controls. what you know about one...

Dolphins Keeping Me On Task

So here is a video I like. Motivates me to persevere till we can be out on the water again. I have never seen anything like this before, there must be at least a hundred or so dolphins. Incredible. httpv://

Lake Pepin Ice Report – We’re Almost There!

Here is the last official ice report from the the US Army Corp. of Engineers for 2010 as there is not enough ice to continue after this one. Yippee!!!!!! Var Skibet is undergoing her annual spring cleaning and fitting out as we...

Spring 2010 Sailing Prospect

So here we are, it is officially spring. The vernal equinox was yesterday, socks are out for another season of sun and fun on the sailboat. But yet, there is a problem. You see, there is this pesky ice on our lake that is standing in the way. Not to worry though, as I...

Coasties Barque Eagle

I found this video of the USCGC Eagle, the other day while I was looking around the web in preparation of the upcoming Tall Ship event in Duluth later this summer. I really wish I would have known about this ship about 25 years ago, I may have joined the Coast Guard...