At Long Last – We Have a Winner!

Amelia's photo of HMS Bounty is declared the winner of the Tall Ship Photo Contest! Amelia's photo captures the majestic nature of tall ships beautifully. All of her photo's were taken during the "Parade of Sail." I would like to thank Amelia for her entries and look...

2004 Precision 23 Sailboat For Sale. $23,750 – SOLD

Designed by Jim Taylor, the Precision 23 is easily trailer launched and retrieved, yet is big enough for short cruises with long berths and ample storage below in a very attractive setting. Taylor emphasizes sailing performance with all Precision...

Another Contestant for the Tall Ship Photo Contest.

I am pleased to announce that we have another contestant for the Tall Ship Photo Contest. These two photos come from the camera of Sarah Smith, nice work Sarah! You may vote for one of these photos by denoting the number of the photo in a...

The Photos are Rolling in Now.

These 3 photos are from Marge Springett, a nature photographer specializing in Crex Meadows and Badlands photography. She has a keen eye to be sure. More of her photos can be seen at her website  Good luck Marge! As before you...

Tall Ship Photos From Our Trip to Duluth

So as you can guess from my lack of updating, I've been rather busy lately. Oh well. Here are a smattering of the 806 photos Honey Bunny took mostly, but some from me as well on our recent trip to Duluth for the Tall Ship Duluth 2010 festival. We had a great time....

Mayflies – Caught on Dopple Radar

Last Sunday I awoke to find a few dozen, perhaps maybe 100 mayflies scattered about our Precision 23 sailboat. I am today feeling quite lucky. Lucky that the hatch associated with the below image missed Lake Pepin. The radar image came from down river about 45 miles....