Lake Pepin Ice Conditions
Some more photos of Lake Pepin taken near Lake City Marina Thursday 3/31/2011. Also one photo of the area just south of Central Point taken the same day. As you can see there is still quite a bit of ice, but it is...
RE: Old School Clinometer
Awhile back I posted that the old brass clinometer was sadly not included with the boat when we took possession. I searched the Internet looking for a replacement for hours. No luck. Nothing, nada, zip. Very shortly after my post, Honey Bunny's sister, Maren emailed...
Some Pictures of Lake Pepin Ice Conditions.
I drove by Lake Pepin on Friday 3/26 and stopped at the foot of the lake to take some photos of the area where I feared there might be some ice jams. So far it is looking well. The ice is receding upstream as it were. The river is up about four feet since my last post...
Mississippi Pool Number 4 (Lake Pepin) Flood Predictions.
There has been much talk this 2011 spring about this being a record breaking flood year so I thought I would post a graph from our friends at NOAA. The Corp. of Engineers maintain a river gauge near the Lake City Marina, which is on Lake Pepin on the Minnesota side of...
Ludington Lighthouse During Storm
Spring Projects for Our Islander 28
This morning I awoke thinking about that favorite time all sailors know. It is that moment when the sails are raised, the helmsman bears off and the command to kill the engine is given. The clattering of the engine is gone and you feel the sails power up from the...
Memories from last summer.
Here are a couple of photos from last summer. Today it reached 34 degrees which I believe is the warmest temperatures we've had since last November. Naturally my thoughts turned to the coming sailing season. We are sooooo looking forward to launch day, which is as of...
OpenCPN – Free Charting Software
Recently while wandering around the net looking for software to display GRIB files I came across a piece of software named OpenCPN that not only does GRIB files but is also a full featured charting application. Best of all it is free. As in FREE. I just happen to be a...
Mid-Winter Pick-Me-Up.
Searching by Captain Puffy Searching gull on high Twisting circles in the sky With dipping wing And feathers white Turn and drop In summers delight I needed a little mid-winter pick-me-up, as I'm sure a lot of us northern sailors do. Hope you don't mind me trying my...
Come On In, The Water Is Fine!
Last weekend was the annual Minneapolis Boat Show, which we went to of course. And no, we did not buy another boat as some folks had feared. We did however get a chance to check out the new Catalina 355 though. I have to admit that it is indeed a very nice boat. We...