by Eric Aaland | Apr 30, 2010 | General |
So it looks like tomorrow is going to be the big day! Bella goes in the water at last. We have had her for almost a month now, so it has been hard not going sailing. But at last we will be on the water, perhaps only in the marina, but on the water nonetheless. The...
by Eric Aaland | Apr 25, 2010 | Events |
There are only a few spots left if you want to experience sailing on a historic tall ship at this summers Tall Ships® Duluth 2010 event. The only tickets left are for Roseway on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Roseway is a Grand Banks Fishing Schooner built November 24,...
by Eric Aaland | Apr 24, 2010 | Boat de Jour, Maps, Photos |
I’m feeling a bit naked today. You see, we are once again boatless. Not to worry though, we are just having out bottom painted for the upcoming and much anticipated launching of our new to us Precision P-23, Bella. We are hopeful that next Saturday will be the “big...
by Eric Aaland | Apr 16, 2010 | charts, Education, How To |
I discovered a new product available through NOAA. They have introduced an experimental product called BookletChart™. You can now print charts on your home computer for FREE, as in free beer. Very handy. If they decide to adopt this new feature full time, the charts...
by Eric Aaland | Apr 16, 2010 | Videos |
So here’s an interesting ad from the folks at Pettit Paint. Now that we are looking into keeping our p & j (pride & joy), Bella in a slip I am learning all about bottom paints and such. I love seeing every one moving towards eco -friendly products from paints to...