by Eric Aaland | Jul 23, 2010 | Events, Photos, Tall Ships |
The tall ships are almost here and we can’t wait. Tall Ship Duluth 2010 is upon us, with the ships due to start arriving Wednesday, July 28th. Coincidently, that is also when we are due to arrive with our Precision 23 in tow. Well, actually it is no coincident at all...
by Eric Aaland | Jul 23, 2010 | Photos |
by Eric Aaland | Jul 23, 2010 | Events |
Last Sunday I awoke to find a few dozen, perhaps maybe 100 mayflies scattered about our Precision 23 sailboat. I am today feeling quite lucky. Lucky that the hatch associated with the below image missed Lake Pepin. The radar image came from down river about 45 miles....
by Eric Aaland | Jul 21, 2010 | Photos |
If any one knows what kind of sailboat this is, I would be very curious to find out. I think it is very pretty.
by Eric Aaland | Jul 17, 2010 | Education, How To, Tales of the Sail |
Well, I don’t know where to start. The last two weekends have both had some good lessons to teach us out on our Precision 23. Both lessons remind us to be careful and alert. The first one brought home the message about informing passengers about their different roles...