by Eric Aaland | Oct 2, 2010 | General |
Designed by Jim Taylor, the Precision 23 is easily trailer launched and retrieved, yet is big enough for short cruises with long berths and ample storage below in a very attractive setting. Taylor emphasizes sailing performance with all Precision models. Her tall mast...
by Eric Aaland | Aug 21, 2010 | Events, Photos, Tall Ships |
I am pleased to announce that we have another contestant for the Tall Ship Photo Contest. These two photos come from the camera of Sarah Smith, nice work Sarah! rosewaybay Image 1 of 2 You may vote for one of these photos by denoting the number of the photo in a...
by Eric Aaland | Aug 19, 2010 | Events, Photos, Tall Ships |
These 3 photos are from Marge Springett, a nature photographer specializing in Crex Meadows and Badlands photography. She has a keen eye to be sure. More of her photos can be seen at her website Good luck Marge! all-her-sails-europa2-photo2 Image...
by Eric Aaland | Aug 18, 2010 | Events, Photos, Tales of the Sail, Tall Ships |
So as you can guess from my lack of updating, I’ve been rather busy lately. Oh well. Here are a smattering of the 806 photos Honey Bunny took mostly, but some from me as well on our recent trip to Duluth for the Tall Ship Duluth 2010 festival. We had a great time....
by Eric Aaland | Aug 2, 2010 | Events, General, Photos, Tall Ships |
Well we are back from Duluth, MN after an exciting and fun trip to the world’s largest fresh water lake with Bella, our Precision 23 sailboat. We all had a great time. We got a little bit of sailing in and a whole lot of tall ships in. More to follow on this later....