In contemplating our future plans on what would make the perfect sailboat, we seem to be waffling. Up until recently we were quite certain that our next sailboat would be something in the 28′ to 32′ range. Something from the mid to late 70’s and of the cruiser variety. Perhaps a Ranger 28 or maybe a Tartan T3000. We have both thought that either of those would make a very nice “next boat.” We have pictured ourselves at the helm and we were pleased.

But now we are having our doubts. Currently we have a Precision 18 and we are very happy with her. We’ve sailed her for one season and are very excited for the lakes be free of ice so that we can begin our second season. We always knew however, that this boat was a stepping stone to another sailboat. We started with a dinghy because I read that all of the best sailors started there, but we soon realized that we wanted our first keelboat, which led us to the P-18. We decided on this size for a couple of reasons, one, it is still small enough to respond very quickly to our input and the wind’s input, which will help us to learn sailing skills quickly. Two, this particular one was offered at a price that was impossible to say no to. We had been planning on another season with the dinghy, but the universe stepped in and delivered that which we were ready for. And we are happy for it.

So now we’re thinking that perhaps going from an 18 footer to a 30’ish footer is too large of a jump for us and we would be better served by taking another intermediate step by buying a Precision 23 instead. We would gain some additional room for friends and family, some additional stability under sail and increased room below deck. The P-23 has a small galley and we wouldn’t have to hold a towel over the companionway while some one is using the head. Yet it is still trailerable. This last fact is still very persuasive in out decision making process. Given that our intended sailing areas are between 1 ½ to 2 hours away, the fact that we can bring her home with us means maintenance will be much easier and less expensive to attend to. Also, and this is a big factor as well, we still want to explore as many different sailing venues as possible. Our current tow vehicle is a 97 Jeep Grand Cherokee and the P-23 is still within the Jeep’s tow rating of 5000LBS, I know its not the best vehicle for the job, but it’s what we have. We are planning on this next sailboat as a stepping stone too, so maybe three or four years is all we would have her. So hopefully the old Jeep would last, as that’s about all we use it for.

What we would be loosing is having a 30 foot sailboat that we could sail around the world if we wanted to. But not forever. Just postponed a couple of more years. Where I am really torn is knowing that right now is truly a buyers market and in 5 years when we are ready it may not be. Right now there are slips available with no waiting, there are sailboats for sale with very eager sellers looking to unload at terrific prices. It’s killing me to let the deals pass by, but I know it’s too soon for us this year anyway. What’s that famous saying again? “When we are ready a boat will appear,” or something like that?

Again we sit at the crossroads of a decision as to what our perfect sailboat might be. Fortunately for me, I love dreaming about sailboats, it’s what gets me through the cold winter months and fuels me through my workday. It nourishes my soul and wets my appetite for more sailing adventures. I can think of nothing better to while away my day than staring at the lake and dreaming the day away.