Found this video while perusing around one of our favorite sailing blogs, and their adjoining You Tube Channel. The video above is not Lealea, an Albin Vega 27 of course, but is instructive none the less. Sarah with a h are you watching?
Chuck and Laura entertained us over the long winter months with their video logs they shot while cruising from Hawaii to Washington state. I think there were 78 videos in all. I’ve heard that these are good videos if one wants to see what crossing an ocean is really like in a small boat. The Albin Vega 27 is a very capable cruiser built in Sweden in the 60’s and 70’s.
The following is the first video, day one, of their Pacific Ocean crossing. You will especially appreciate the ending, it’s their signature ending of sorts. After watching all of their videos over the course of the winter I feel like Chuck and Laura are our friends, I hope you enjoy getting to know them too.
Thanks for the kind words. Chuck gave up trying to tuff it out and now takes Bonine. d;^)
Hi Guys, Glad to hear from you and hope all is well. Can’t wait to follow your new adventures. Chuck, tuff is not in my lexicon any longer. I’m too old. Happy sailing.